
An AMMOgeek is an individual who has technical skills to offer. AMMO founders placed in trust a sizeable portion of the initial AMMO supply specifically to entice, reward and incentivize those in the cryptocommunity to want to help improve everything from AMMO wallets to helping develop and incorporate improvements and new features within the AMMO network.

As AMMO was developed off the PIVX source code it shares much of the infrastructure of popular coins like DASH and PIVX. Enthusiasts and developers on those would find an easy fit and opportunity to secure AMMO simply by using their knowledge and skill to help AMMO grow and become even more amazing.

If this is something you have an interest in swing by the sister site and look at job offerings in the marketplace. The QuarterMASTER is the guy coordinating this element of AMMO's structured release and the one who would discuss AMMO compensation. Of course you can also join us on github (coming soon) to fork our files and begin working there right away.