
No higher honor in the AMMO network than become an AMMOmaster

AMMOcoin wants as many "everyday" folks to become an integral part of the network. We value quantity AND quality. A masternode requires an AMMO core wallet in the same manner as the stakenode. However they also require:
5,000 AMMO locked per masternode
Dedicated IP Address
24 hour uptime VPS or dedicated server (you’re gonna love this)

A masternode operator has proven a commitment to the success, security and diversity of the AMMO network, helping secure the network and providing a second layer of security by providing additional nodes to validate blocks and transactions. Since these are dedicated nodes operating 24/7 it bolsters consistency and reliability.

A masternode operator is rewarded, with 60% of each block reward being sent to a masternode in a round robin fashion on the creation of each block, and are also given voting rights to participate in governance decisions. This is a key component of the DAO Command as all developmental, marketing & budgetary payouts in the protocol are proposed, discussed and decided within the masternode tier of operators.